Huichol Art and Culture in etsy
about this unique pieces:
The Images expressed in their artwork are always representing stories, legends of their mythology that organize every aspect of their world and lives.
Their art is a literal physical translation of imagery seen during their expanded state of awareness, induced by their sacred cactus. This art is a tangible manifestation of their experience in the realm of the gods for each of us to see, touch, and commune with, becoming vehicles for our own contemplation and transformation.
The Peyote cactus is the centerpiece of their sacred ritualism. It is the vehicle by which they obtain their mystical union with the gods. It has been revered for centuries by the Huichol for its curative properties and its ability to "enlighten" the one who partakes of it.
Symbolism Used by the Huichols
All birds are messengers to the gods. The feathers of eagles, and turkeys are especially sought after. The doubled-headed eagle represents the Shaman's omnipotent power and ability to see in all directions. The goddess, Mother Eagle, Mother of the Sky and Queen of the Heavens, is embodied by the eagle or Wealika.
Flowers are sacred. They are utilized in all ceremonies, healings, deer hunt, or of the new corn. Toto, a small white flower that blooms in the wet corn growing season, has become a prayer and a symbol for the corn. In life the Toto has five petals but in art it has been stylized with six petals. The toto flower symbol is often seen on the chest of the Eagle, Keli or Solandra, a plant of the Solanaceae family is an hallucinogenic. The aroma of its blossom induces a powerful trance in which the Huichol say their spirit is opened to the highest levels of enlightenment.
“I caught myself looking at Guadalupe's feet and can still remember them well now. They were framed by sandals and white cotton which brought out their dark color. They were strong, yet curved and gentle. It seemed I could detect some desert sand lingering on her toes. Those feet that walked on many Peyote and ocean journeys, accompanied by her lone walking stick. Feet that say:"I haven't left you Mother Earth." Feet that are so misunderstood by the cement tortured high-heeled ones. “ Anne Paule Picker
The Huichol believe that making beautiful art for their clothing and as "offrendas" , as gifts, is prayer made visible. We of Nierica, who have been given so much of value for our lives from our Huichol teachers and friends, ask your help in helping promote the continued existence and sustainability of a wise and wonderful people--the Huichol. We need what they still know--how to live in right relationship with all of Creation. Help us, help them, help us. Dr. Thomas Pinkson.
Known in Spanish as 'Ojo de Dios' ('Eye of God'), the cross is constructed in several periods. The central woven design, or eye, is made at the child's birth, and four more are added, one at a time on each consecutive birthday. The weavings are connected by two perpendicular sticks which are actually used to support the first eye when it is made in this format.
The resulting four points represent Earth, Fire, Water and Air. The 'Eye of God' design is sometimes included in larger flat weavings as a reminder of the power of holistic unity that is central to Huichol beliefs, but this is not the same as the actual Cross made for each child.The Sikuli is kept through the person's life as a talisman of health and well being. It is well guarded, and may be used in healing rituals. Original Huichol Crosses are extremely rare to come by. There are many that are being made for the tourist market, but they obviously do not carry the same traditional significance.
These arts are entirely unique to these people and this area of the world.
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